Guess what? Our future self is pretty unreliable, too. He/she doesn't think that the task in hand sounds like much fun, either, and he/she is just as likely to put it off as you are.
Actually, your future self is even more likely to put it off than you are because you've already established a pattern that putting off that important thing is okay.
If you want to actually succeed in life, stop relying on your future self to take care of things. Now.
[The Simple Dollar via Lifehacker]
I had a brilliant art teacher who used to say that if procrastination were a sport almost everyone would have some kind of medal.
I'd probably have a couple of gold and silver one's by now. But with my luck these medals would be made of tissue paper wrapped around cardboard.
There was this incredible high I used to get when completing insane projects in a very short amount of time. In my Senior year of High school I finished a 20 page paper in 12 hours, starting from scratch. As a result I told myself that if I could finish that gargantuan paper, I could do anything.