Monday, June 28, 2010


Guess what? Our future self is pretty unreliable, too. He/she doesn't think that the task in hand sounds like much fun, either, and he/she is just as likely to put it off as you are.

Actually, your future self is even more likely to put it off than you are because you've already established a pattern that putting off that important thing is okay.

If you want to actually succeed in life, stop relying on your future self to take care of things. Now. 
[The Simple Dollar via Lifehacker]

I had a brilliant art teacher who used to say that if procrastination were a sport almost everyone would have some kind of medal.

I'd probably have a couple of gold and silver one's by now.  But with my luck these medals would be made of tissue paper wrapped around cardboard.

There was this incredible high I used to get when completing insane projects in a very short amount of time.  In my Senior year of High school I finished a 20 page paper in 12 hours, starting from scratch.  As a result I told myself that if I could finish that gargantuan paper, I could do anything.

Thursday, June 24, 2010



I open Facebook for what may be the 20th time today.  Yes, I'm quite sure I have a problem.  It's a somewhat uncontrollable twitch of mine to feel connected to all that I am and once was familiar with.
I promise I'm trying to stop.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

This Way Up

I have been dealing with vertigo since about April of this year.  Vertigo is definitely no fun, and can greatly inhibit an active lifestyle as it confuses ones balance and direction.  There are times when I close my eyes and ask myself which way is up.  However I've come to appreciate what it's allowed me to do in this time.  I've been able to reflect on my life and realize what I really need and want to do with my life.

For the past couple of years I have been blessed with a job that I love doing, animating.  It has always been my dream to make cartoons, and learning the art while getting paid for has been amazing.  But money isn't everything.  It isn't what I want, though I understand the need for it in today's society.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Good Night, Good Day

This was the first day of my blogging, and it was a fun and new experience.  Expect to see more artistic works in the future.


(E3 2010 - Child of Eden trailer (HD 720p))

Synesthesia - a sensation that normally occurs in one sense modality occurs when another modality is stimulated (Source

With technology and gaming moving towards more tactile experiences for the consumer, we are all probably going to start hearing this word a lot more.  Games and Movies will move beyond hearing and seeing the actions on screen, soon we'll be able to feel them too.  Although this has all ready happened with gamings inclusion of vibration, developers are all ready looking to go even further than that.  But doing so slowly.  It seems they want to fully conquer visual media with 3D and holograms first.

(Note: Child of Eden is created by Tetsuya Mizuguchi, creator of Rez, and will be published by Ubisoft for both the PS3 and Xbox 360.  This video is used because Rez aimed at immersing players in Synesthesia, and this game is supposed to be its spiritual successor.)

Old Electronics? Recycle or Resell them for Good

This post is for everyone who stockpiled electronics because they didn't know where to sell them or properly dispose of them.

Gazelle is a website that will take a variety of electronic devices for reuse or recycling, and will also pay you for some of the newer items like the Iphone or Xbox 360.

If they don't buy it back they can still recycle it for you.  Also shipping is free if you send an item worth at least 1$ US.

To sweeten this deal, tech blog Gizmodo has a recycling program setup up with Gazelle that will give all of their commission to one of the charitable funds working towards cleaning the Gulf coast.  You can find it at the following link.

Of course there are other causes being funded by Gazelle. You can also start your own, should you feel the need arise.

Hello ReBranded ReNewed World

Welcome, and thank you for coming.

Read along and experience this Teknorganic world with me.